Music Week Day 1 - "Street Entertainer"

This is the post to start the Music Week off

A couple of weeks ago, before we went to South West Devon for a short break, we were in Barnstaple shopping and I spotted this young lady playing this rather odd looking instrument.

©2019 wytchwynd photography
A passer by stopped and asked her what type of instrument it was and she replied "A Zither".  I was somewhat perplexed by this response because to the best of my knowledge of a zither was a much smaller instrument.   However, not to be outdone I decided I would research this instrument and see what I could find....

It actually turned out to be an instrument called a KOTO (a Chinese Zither).  So yes, she was correct in what she said and I have learned something new.

STOP PRESS:  As part of my work with and for the ladies of Ilfracombe Tangle I will be exhibiting some of my photographs in Pip n Jim's Community Centre, St James Place, Ilfracombe EX34 9BJ for the Birdman Event on Saturday 3rd August 2019
